Dear ASEA Associates in Europe,
ASEA Europe is breaking records and writing history! I am delighted to announce that thanks to you and your teams’ amazing efforts, ASEA Europe recently recorded its best sales week in Europe in the last five years. What a tremendous achievement!
We also would like to take the time to congratulate our new top executives for their recent rank advancements:
- Zoltán Várnai & Anett Győrfi, Triple Diamond Executive, United Kingdom
- Kim Meng & Chan Dan Huynh, Diamond Executive, France
- Liu Meihua, Diamond Executive, Italy
- Martin Suchý, Diamond Executive, Czechia
- Henrik Schulz, Diamond Executive, Denmark
Thank you so much for your great work and commitment to ASEA and our groundbreaking products. We are proud of you and grateful that you are part of the ASEA family.
And this family keeps growing! ASEA is continuously expanding globally and has recorded the best enrollment week in company history at the beginning of August. In short – we are riding a huge wave of success right now and we should definitely use this momentum!
- The qualification period for the ASEA 2020 Desert Rose luxury trip runs until 18 September. After all of your hard work, you definitely deserve some time off so make sure to qualify!
- The longer we’re together, the stronger we become: the ongoing ASEA® Stronger Together promotion offers extra rewards for everyone and discounts for returning associates and customers.
- Last but not least, do not forget the great advantages of our Fast 4ward program either! Start your 14-day challenge today!
Get yourself and your teams registered for ASEA 2020 Webvention in September, the first global online ASEA event! Webvention brings you the latest updates, training, and inspiration right to your home – an incredible energy boost for you and your teams, without any travel or hotel costs. Plus, live sessions will be available in French, German, Hungarian, Mandarin and Spanish languages. Do all you can to ensure that many associates of your team attend.
Thank you for everything you do for ASEA. The last months have not been easy for any of us and it was incredible to see how dedicated you have been at succeeding in any situation. The amazing achievements of the last few months are the fruits of your labor – let’s use the momentum now to remain on track for further growth!
Best wishes,
Jörg Höche
Vice President of Europe