Ascent 2019 in Maroma Beach, Riviera Cancun

After a six-month qualification period that saw our executive leaders provide ASEA wellness products to thousands of customers and seed hundreds of independent businesses along the way, this year’s stellar Ascent class earned and enjoyed four days and four nights together with ASEA corporate leaders at the Secrets Maroma Beach resort in Riviera Cancun.

Watch the ASEA Ascent 2019 Recap Video!

From those able to attend of the nearly 200 qualifying associates, and their guests, Ascent 2019 featured 300 amazing human beings—a 20% increase in amazing human beings from last year’s event! And on the evening of 11 June, they all came together for a welcome reception with ASEA Founder Tyler Norton, CEO Charles Funke, President Jarom Webb, and Vice President of Global Sales Justin Wilson.

The first full day at the resort kicked off with a training meeting featuring presentations from the ASEA Executive Committee. Tyler Norton and Charles Funke packaged and delivered their powerful experience into inspirational take-home messages, while Jarom Webb and Justin Wilson dripped plans for this September’s global convention and trained on the newest and next ASEA associate tools. Our Ambassador Diamonds in attendance next provided tried-and-true tips for reaching the Diamond ranks.

With so much to digest from the day’s big training, the group was more than happy to let it all sink in at their own pace, over a leisurely late afternoon in paradise. And that trend continued all the way through Day 3, as attendees were free to do as they pleased along the sandy beaches and under the palm trees. This was a day to reflect, relax, and adventure in equal measure, mindful of the experiences that follow hard work with the ASEA opportunity.

After taking their fill of peaceful leisure, our group was ready to ramp up their last full day at Ascent! An intense beach olympics competition in the early afternoon provided the perfect opportunity. A relay race, a tug of war, and “rolling the coconut” pitted teams of rising leaders and good friends against one another all in the name of good fun—and working up an appetite for the night’s farewell dinner.

Gathered together on the lawn of the seaside terrace, the Ascent 2019 crew listened to Tyler Norton and Justin Wilson’s expressions of sincere gratitude before taking in a delicious meal and dazzling entertainment from drummers and fire dancers. With fresh and fiery memories bringing the event to a close, each attendee collected their commemorative coin to bring it all home with them.

The winners and participants of Ascent 2019 have all come home with a deepened well of experience and energy, and—just as this year’s top winner, Global Free Store Inc. set her goal for the top prize at the previous year’s event—now is the time for a new set of ASEA leaders to set their sights on an ascent to the top in 2020!