If you’re looking for proof that ASEA Global Convention is worth the investment, look no further! We’ve gathered insights from those who attended last year’s event, run some numbers on their group volume, and we’re ready to show you just how impactful attending convention can be for your business!
Take your ASEA business to the next level
98% of associates polled rated the convention as Important or Very Important to taking their business to the next level.
In fact, we compared associates who attended the convention to those who didn’t. Before convention the two groups were preforming similarly, but after the convention, those who attended the event had a 25% higher weekly group volume over time than those who did not attend!
Move up in the ranks
Research shows that among similar groups of associates, there are 371% more convention attendee rank advancements than non-attendee advancements.
Get new ideas to help run your everyday business
According to our poll, 99% of associates agree that Convention is Important or Very Important for gaining new, tangible ideas to help with everyday business.
We’re planning value-packed breakout sessions that are sure to be crowd favorites like last year’s income-planning breakout session. You’ll walk away confident in your ability to improve your business.
Check out the Bigger and Better Convention Store
We received incredible feedback on the convention store, and we’re implementing suggestions to make the convention store the best one yet! Enjoy a wider selection of apparel and fun products to help you advertise your ASEA business! Plus, our friendly staff will be there to help you check out with ease!
Founder & Chairman Tyler Norton Will Take the Stage with a Message Only He Can Deliver
Attendees from ASEA Global Convention 2016 raved about Tyler Norton’s captivating speeches. This year, Tyler is set to take the stage again and deliver his inspirational address. If you’ve never seen Tyler speak in person, you’re in for a treat!
Network with Associates from All Ranks and Walks of Life
Associates from all over the world attend our global convention! Plus, attendees range from just getting started to long-time associates, which means you have the opportunity to swap tips and tricks with associates in all phases of business-building.
What are you waiting for? The ASEA Global Convention 2017 is the place to be if you want to take your business to the next level, get new ideas, find the latest and greatest convention swag, hear from inspiring leaders, and network with like-minded entrepreneurs!
We can’t wait to see you there, click below to register now!