Tips from ASEA Presidential Diamond Deni Robinson
ASEA associates have shown from the beginning of COVID-19-related precautionary measures and shut-downs that their businesses are not slowing down in the least. Product sales remain as strong as ever, if not stronger. We just recorded the best sales week for North America in ASEA’s history.
ASEA Presidential Diamond Deni Robinson took a moment to share her insights on how to keep this momentum going and keep your business thriving during this unusual time. If you ask her, travel restrictions, closures, and quarantines present a great opportunity.
“I’m excited about the good that can come of this shift,” Deni said. “We have these home-based businesses, and nobody is ever home! Now is when we get to show that everything we do truly can be done from home.”
Push social media.
“We need to use social media more, and this is proving to be the perfect time,” Deni said.
One of Deni’s favorite tips for using Facebook to get your message out to the masses is to host a watch party—a live or recorded video that invites people to interact at the same time. “It shows up as a post that you can share over and over again. Just tag someone,” she explained. “Then, when that person shares it, their contacts get notified of it as a new post from them.”
She also advised making use of voice memos over social media messaging. “I can answer a lot of questions, fast, just by answering messages with voice memos,” Deni shared. “I can help multiple people at a time doing this!”
Hold virtual meetings.
Did you have meetings scheduled for this week and next? Great! Do them over Zoom or Hangouts or whatever platform works for you. Everything you do, you can do virtually.
“You can get a lot of visibility if you do a series,” Deni elaborated. “Have a product series, an opportunity series, a stories series. There has never been a better time than now to tell what ASEA has done!”

Get content-crazy.
ASEA offers you lots of content that you can easily share. Get into your virtual office, pick your favorite videos, flyers, or other tools, and share them. You can do this over social media, e-mail, and of course, the ASEA Connect app.
Inspire your team.
Stress levels may be higher than usual among your team members. Let them know that everything is just fine as it relates to our business. “Send handwritten notes to your team, telling them you can’t wait to see them at the next event,” Deni advised.
She also pointed out that teams need assignments. “People need a goal to shoot for,” she said. “So give fun, income-producing activities as challenges. It can be something to focus on for a day, or even something that only takes an hour, like seeing how many people each team member can call or text. Then have everyone report back so you can celebrate the successes together.”
Share the business opportunity.
“People are hungry for opportunity,” Deni said. “Network marketing may not be for everyone, but it really is an amazing way to do business. It doesn’t always have to be about the million-dollar dream. Right now, it’s maybe just more important to get an extra income.*”
“We’re still gathering,” Deni concluded. “Just in a different way.”
Plans may change temporarily, but taking your networking virtual will keep your business healthy both now and in the long run. It’s more important than ever to gather like-minded people to hear about what ASEA has to offer.
*See ASEA’s Business Opportunity here: