The silent prayers of 10 more hopeless, victimized children have been answered.
For every child rescued, at least five more are helped.
A secret Operation Underground Railroad rescue mission took place on 6 April 2018 in Central America. The team was successful, rescuing 10 victims of sex trafficking. The exact location of the rescue is as yet undisclosed for security purposes and to protect the privacy of the victims. Following are the details we can share at this time.
- Five of the 10 rescued girls were children, and five young adults who had been trafficked since they were children.
- The youngest girl rescued was just 13 years old. She came from an all-to-common vulnerable family situation. Her mother passed away, and her father has substance abuse issues.
- A young 18-year-old mother with two children, a three-year-old and an infant, was rescued. She had been trafficked since she was 10 years old.
- Five of the rescued girls are going into Batman’s Aftercare Services. Batman, the undercover agent in The Abolitionists movie, offers a 12-week program that provides essential services and business training, including micro-loans to start a business.
- One of the victims was forcibly used as a trafficker. The rescue team on the ground is still actively pursuing the main trafficker.
This rescue not only provided safety and services for the victims, but for the siblings and children of the victims as well. The girls are all now back in school, which to them is a dream come true—none of them expected to have the opportunity to attain beyond a sixth-grade education.
“Thank you!” said one of the rescued girls. “We didn’t ever see ourselves getting this type of support for our lives.”
The country in which the rescue took place is building trust with the O.U.R. team; this trust is evident in the ongoing collaborative efforts that began during this rescue. The teamwork on the ground was one of the best they have seen with local law enforcement, child protective services, aftercare services, and the prosecution team. The O.U.R. team is in daily contact with prosecutors, aftercare services, and survivors.
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