Start Your Week with ASEA: How to prepare for allergy season

Start Your Week: How to prepare for allergy season

Spring is just around the corner, and you’ll feel much better if you know how to
prepare for allergy season. Getting ready before pollen reaches its peak spring levels
when the weather changes to above 50 degrees is essential. Here is how you can
prepare for allergy season and avoid illness.

How to prepare for allergy season early

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, spring
allergies come with pollen that is released into the air. Tree pollen is usually the
most significant contributor and starts in February, and grass pollen and floral pollen
come in the latter part of the season. An allergy occurs when the body’s immune
system produces antibodies to harmless foreign particles. The body will mistake
allergens like pollen for dangerous substances and fight them with
immunoglobulin antibodies. These antibodies produce histamine, and this causes
an allergic reaction.

Find out what you’re allergic to

If you’ve never been allergy tested, make an appointment so that you can
understand everything to which you might be allergic. Whether it is sinus
congestion, runny nose, post-nasal drip, sneezing, coughing, itchy or watery eyes,
there are several things you can do to relieve your symptoms. Making an
appointment with an allergist or starting to take over-the-counter allergy meds can
help ease your symptoms throughout the season.
Over-the-counter- antihistamines reduce or block histamines that typically cause
allergy symptoms. Pretreating your allergies with medication before signs can help
prevent inflammation and ease a stuffy nose, watery eyes, or other symptoms.

Start tracking pollen levels

Once you know what pollens you’re allergic to, you can stay ahead of your
symptoms by tracking pollen counts online so that you can plan around the days
when your allergies might be worse. Try to stay inside during the mid-morning and
early evening house to avoid peak pollen counts on days when levels are high.

Change your air filter

Changing your air filter seasonally or every three months helps the air inside your
home stay clean. Use zippered pillowcases and mattress encasements to help
reduce dust mites and collection of pet dander.

Be mindful of mold

Mold is a particularly dangerous allergen that can grow anywhere moisture collects.
Mold can occur in kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. Areas, where things might
not stay dry or dry properly, can grow mold, like under the sink and doormat. Make
sure to clean or remove anything that you find with mold. Monitor humidity levels
to ensure mold cannot grow or return.