Lean in to the Possibilities

Tyler Norton
ASEA Founder

Farewell, 2020. Hello, 2021!

Happy New Year to our dear ASEA associates around the globe! 

As many of you know, I love the last few weeks of the year. I love looking back on the past 12 months to identify new lessons learned, and I absolutely love looking forward to January 1 and new beginnings and fresh starts. 

How Did 2020 Change You?

While I am certain that we are all quite happy to see 2020 in our rearview mirror, I must admit that, for all of its challenges, 2020 has been one of the most powerful “teaching” years that I can remember.  

Ask yourself the following questions: What have you learned from 2020? How has it changed you? How has it made you a better human being? How can it serve as a springboard into your best 2021? These questions, and so many more, are what I love to review at the end of any year, but they seem especially salient coming out of 2020. 

For me, I have an even greater appreciation for the sanctity and power of life and just how precious and fragile it truly is. I feel a desire to live each moment in gratitude and appreciation. To breathe deep and relish the seemingly insignificant moments. Moments granted to us that should not be taken for granted. Moments given to us that are not “a given.” 

Sharing Hope

My awareness of others and my true sense of compassion has expanded and increased this past year. In that enhanced awareness and appreciation, I’m so grateful to know that we offer products to the world that truly promote and advance “life.” I rest assured and stand proud knowing that what we all share with the world on a daily basis has been, and continues to be, a force for good in a very real and significant way, especially this past year. Thank you for sharing our hope with others.  

I challenge you all to take a few minutes and ponder and reflect back on the lessons you’ve learned this past year. I believe you’ll find, as I have, that it has been a powerful reset year, one that should inform and elevate our 2021 and beyond. 2020 will not soon be forgotten.

Rebooting Your Vision

And now, what of 2021? What will it be? What can it be? Should we not take all that we have learned from the powerful CTRL-ALT-DELETE from this last year and let it serve as a true reboot of our own personal visions of success and impact? A thousand times, YES! With renewed vigor and appreciation, let’s go to work immediately on the next version of YOU!

What have you always wanted to do, achieve, become, or accomplish? 2020 has taught me that we should not procrastinate our “becoming.” We must lean in to our possibilities and embrace our potential with a much clearer view that life will always throw us curveballs and unexpected turns. It is our opportunity to learn from them and then re-enter the arena with a greater sense of determination, appreciation, and drive.

I wish you all the best as you reflect on the past and set your sights on the future. I am grateful to be in the starting blocks of a new year, looking over and seeing you by my side in the race. Let’s make 2021 our best yet.

Tyler Norton